vendredi 26 avril 2013

Quelques courtes et fortes phrases de ce MIPTV:

Felix Baumgartner, l'homme qui sauté de la stratosphère
·            Hell, no" la réponse de Felix Baumgartner, l'homme qui sauté de la stratosphère, quand on lui a demandé sur la s'il allait essayer de battre son record.
·         Son saut de la stratosphère a été diffusé en direct par 65 chaînes dans le monde

·      14% des postes crées en France le sont dans le secteur digital, (Françoise Laborde, CSA)

·       25% des visionnements de YouTube proviennent de smartphones.  En Corée, jusqu’à  50%,  (David Rippert, Google UK)

·    Twitter: 200 millions utilisateurs dans le monde, 40% des tweets concernent les programmes TV, (Dan Biddle, Twitter UK)

·    You Tube est le 2ème moteur de recherche dans le monde, (David Ripert, Google UK)

·    Les programmes les plus commenté sur les réseaux sociaux concernent : star, trash et splash ( Virginia Mouseler, The Wit)

·    "On apprend les choses en les faisant, donc osez de les faire" Asta Wellejus  encourage les femmes 

mercredi 3 avril 2013

Birthright: the Palestinian - Israeli conflict presented as a transmedia romantic comedy

Birthright, Transmedia romantic comedy

Last year, during the festival Power to the Pixel I was intrigued by Birthright, the project of BoomGen Studios, pitched by Mahyad Tousi

They dare use the complicated and painful context of Palestinian - Israeli conflict and made a comedy out of it.  And they are right, as laughter is the most powerful weapon. In Poland, during the communist period, comic cabarets were the most wanted and watched shows. This year, the project was presented at the Festival International de Programmes Audiovisuels (Fipa) in France.  

Birthright  is a romantic comedy and political satire told through two different points of view: the film is about a shy Jewish-American kid Sam Raskin who follows the girl of his dreams on a free trip to Israel, only to get lost in Palestine, and a graphic novel showing a young Jewish - American girl who returns to Israel as pro-Palestinian peace activist.

Birthrights uses the following platforms: theater movie, interactive graphic novel for mobile/tablet (Tear Gas in the Morning), web, print experience.
Graphic novel Tear Gas in the Morning

The comical story untitled Tear Gas in the Morning was written by a writer and artist Katie Miranda and is  based entirely on her own personal experience. 

The ambition behind this project is "to explore other political conflicts through the lens of classical and contemporary love stories".

Interview with Mahyad Tousi, CEO and co-founder of BoomGen Studios

Mahyad Tousi

Birthright is a transmedia comedy that shows Jewish-Palestinian conflict - which is quite amazing as a mix. Why did you chose this form, quite politicaly incorrect?

The power of storytelling is in its ability to break through stereotypes and preconceptions and to reveal humanity even in the most absurd and tragic of circumstances. Taking a light-hearted approach to a heated political issue in this case helps to relieve manufactured tension and help the audience to connect with the characters. At the same time, the beautiful thing about this type of cross platform narrative design is that the story no longer needs to be defined by genre or format. Birthright is neither just comedy, nor just fiction. The motion picture layer of the transmedia property, however, is a fiction comedy. 

What kind of audience do you want to touch with Birthright?

We believe that the project will have a young international audience. What's interesting about having a motion picture, graphic novel application, and a game element is that you touch very distinct niches in each area. Having said that, we expect our core audience will be progressive 18-36 year olds, and leaning female.  

The story is declined on multiple platforms such as an interactive graphic novel, a mobile game, and a feature comedy. From which platform did you start the project?

Creatively it started with a film script penned by Ari Issler and Ben Snyder that came to us. We started working with Ben and Ari in further developing the script. Then we took a step back and asked ourselves what is at the core of this story? What truth are we hoping to tap into? We looked for and created other story layers that would further enhance that core message, the core truth.  

It's a long-term project. What are the phases of its development?

Graphic Novel, Game, Motion Picture. 

What is your business model? As you debuted the Tear Gas Teaser application in front of a live audience equipped with Samsung Galaxy tablets, I suppose it's your official partner, isn't it?

Samsung is not an official partner. The teaser is available for download through the google play store for any android device that has a screen resolution of 1280x800. 
The business model is simple. By no longer confining ourselves to the limitations of form, (i.e. book, tv, film, etc.), we create opportunities for a story to exist in multiple forms. In this way we tell bigger and better stories, and touch multiple niche markets and revenue opportunities for our investors. I call it sustainable storytelling.

What are the next steps?

We're working on the Graphic Novel and casting the film. 

More information about Birthright on website:


Digital Museum in Cracow, Poland: how to mix successfully history and modern technology

It's not a new concept to implement a digital content and supports in museum. Museums in Paris like that of the Quai Branly, others in Barcelona, Budapest and many others do it too.

However, the museum in Cracow "Rynek Underground" is some sort of a pioneer. They propose full digital experience and immerse the public from the very start into this world offering unforgettable memories. 

Digital Museum in Cracow, Rynek Underground
This underground exhibition presents Cracow main Square inXIII century and its connections with other Middle Age European cities.

The concept of this museum was extremely well prepared and includes many creative surprises. It's a mix of historical vestige, video and audio content, holograms, digital screens, reconstructions of market zones, houses, cemetery and much more. I could spend there half the day.
I'll describe a few of these attractions without letting you discover the rest, hoping you will visit it too soon. 

Digital museum in Cracow, Rynek Underground
You enter this dark world through the wall of steam that projects video of a typical shopping day in XVI century. As there are local audio zones, you hear the voices of bargaining women selling their products. On the floor, there is a digital game, kind of the same you can find in airports, but the goal is to step in and reveal golden pieces. The group of teenagers who visited the museum at the same time, was more than delightful to find them. 

Next to the historical objects are installed digital screens with chapters describing objects in details, their history, traditions in this period by using text and photos. Of course, all is explained in several languages. Sometimes screens are used as a digital book from XVI c. and we can virtually turn the  pages. 

Holograms of nearby buidings, digital museum in  Cracow

Holograms show you the different stages of constructions of nearby buildings. 

 Watch closely the digital screens showing painting of Polish kings - they have their mystery, too.

Time Capsule, digital museum in Cracow
  At the end, there are  "Time Capsules" with fiction films and comments of history scholars. 

I'm a fan of this museum and if one day you are in Cracow, visit it, it's worth it. 

For more information, click on